If you have fertility issues or have been having difficulty trying to get pregnant we can help you. we uses Traditional Chinese Medicine including acupuncture and herbal remedies that has been used effectively for over 2500 years to assist with infertility and ovulation.
Fertility Support
We offer two types of Fertility Support programs:
1. Natural Conception acupuncture
These treatments are designed for women who are attempting to conceive naturally.
• Women who have been trying to conceive naturally but without success
• Women who have been medically diagnosed with a fertility problem, and who have been recommended by their fertility specialist or GP to try naturally for a period of time
• Women who have been advised to have IVF, who prefer to try a more natural treatment approach first
• Women who have had a miscarriage(s) and who wish to establish a viable pregnancy and carry to full-term
• Women who are just starting out trying to conceive and want to optimize their chances of falling pregnant
• Women who wish to have a second or third child and are concerned about the effects of prior pregnancies
• Women who are discontinuing hormonal or IUD contraceptives in order to conceive
2. IVF acupuncture
How Acupuncture and Herbs can assist with the effectiveness of IVF treatment?
There is continuing research about acupuncture and herbal medicine may improves the function of the ovaries to produce better quality eggs.
Traditional Chinese Medicine may helps to regulate the hormone levels to help produce a larger number of follicles.
Increased blood flow to the uterus in turn creates a thicker uterine lining. The result is better likelihood of implantation of the embryo to the uterus.
During implantation of the embryos, acupuncture and herbs may help prevent the uterus from contracting, thereby also preventing the patient from experiencing painful cramps.
Lessen the side effects of the drugs used in IVF, such as emotional instability, insomnia, palpitations, etc.
Lastly, once the patient does become pregnant, acupuncture and herbs may help to decrease the chances of miscarriage. For women over 40 years old, pregnancies with IVF have an approximate 46% rate of miscarriage after six weeks. This percentage may be greatly reduced with the help of Chinese medicine.
Preparing for IVF with Chinese Medicine:
It is best for the preparation to begin three months before IVF treatments begin. In this time, the goal of the TCM practitioner is to improve the function of the ovaries to produce good quality eggs. The treatment method is varied, depending on the patient's individual diagnosis and factor of infertility. Some methods used include tonifying the kidneys, spleen, qi, and blood, smoothing the liver qi, and circulating the blood. At Able acupuncture clinic, many patients have seen results of decreased FSH levels, resumed regular menstrual cycles, and some even become pregnant naturally!
Member of NZASA, ACC Treatment provider |
Leon Jiang
Master Degree of
Traditional Chinese
Medicine Majoring
Acupuncture ( China)
Anna Deng
Bachelor Degree of
Traditional Chinese
Medicine ( China) |
For my acupuncturist
Thinking of the one
who works beyond the veil
who turns his mindful heart
and seeing hands
To silent winds
and stubborn damp,
To unseen fires
and creeping cold,
To stagnant flows
and slowing streams
Then re-orders all before him
with his careful sword.
Jackie Steincamp |